Friday, January 15, 2010

just a moment to brag...

look what I did...

Do NOT compare it to ANY quilt done my friend Kelli, or any of the cute stuff that my mom does, but I DID THIS. ALL BY MY SELF!!!! Also realize that I did not have a pattern--I have never made a quilt top before, and I had two children home with me all day (and two more in the afternoon).
I think I am getting excited about another little boy to run my house.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Number 5 is a....

We are having another boy!!!! REALLY NOT what I expected as many of you know, but I after a few shed tears (and an extra trip to Fetal Foto), I can honestly say I am excited.

I just keep thinking I about the possibility of two missionaries. I already have that problem with Chloe and Zac, but now this one will be exactly two years younger than Zac. That means the possibility of an overlap.
I am excited for Zac to have a best friend. I know my brothers have always been very close, and I hope that these two will be as well.

Chloe on the other hand is not excited. She wanted, "A girl baby, a Princess!"
Preston is playing the I already knew it card. And Anna, I don't really know what she thinks, but she has been very helpful in offering up name ideas.

I know many of you are asking if this means another in our future, but that is a question that I am not ready to ask (if you know what I mean) or answer. I am still thinking that a family of seven is HUGE! --far bigger than I ever expected to have.--

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dad's favorite...

My husband loves Toys Story and is holding his breath for the third one this spring. So when the kids got Woody's autograph...

It has been a while...

I guess every blogger needs a few blogs with this title. I was following a few of my friends fun blogs and feeling guilty about neglecting mine. I know no one really care what my family has been up to, but it is always fun to see pictures and laugh at the crazy things that husband and kids are doing. (I never do anything crazy!)

Well, except for this one thing-- I am in the process of...building our fifth child. I had this crazy idea, and now there is no going back. I am completely exhausted, nauseous, and am pretty sure I have lost my mind. To all you mothers out there that can handle their children with peace and joy...I am not in that place right now. Zac is trying to prove he can destroy everything in one day. That alone is enough to make me cry (hormones--right?). Well, I am excited, but really, really terrified.
Now onto bigger and better things.
Our Christmas was wonderful. Santa visited our house a week before Christmas leaving tickets for Disneyland. He was even kind enough to have the car packed ready to go. So, after a quick breakfast we headed off to Newport Beach. After a LONG day of driving, we arrived at our timeshare to discover my sister and family had a similar experience. Man, Santa must have been generous this year. We spent the week playing with cousins and visiting the Happiest place on earth. Now, I know that you can have great family vacations at much cheaper, more local locations, but this is still my favorite. What could be better than beautiful weather in a world of make believe, surrounded by the worlds all time greatest children? (We took the kids a couple of years ago and LOVED IT!!! So this year we bought annual passes and have plans to return two more times in the next year. (Yes, the same year I am having a baby--Did I mention I might be CRAZY?) So, now for some pictures of our trip...Ok this may take a couple posts, it seems my pictures are too big.