Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Number 5 is a....

We are having another boy!!!! REALLY NOT what I expected as many of you know, but I after a few shed tears (and an extra trip to Fetal Foto), I can honestly say I am excited.

I just keep thinking I about the possibility of two missionaries. I already have that problem with Chloe and Zac, but now this one will be exactly two years younger than Zac. That means the possibility of an overlap.
I am excited for Zac to have a best friend. I know my brothers have always been very close, and I hope that these two will be as well.

Chloe on the other hand is not excited. She wanted, "A girl baby, a Princess!"
Preston is playing the I already knew it card. And Anna, I don't really know what she thinks, but she has been very helpful in offering up name ideas.

I know many of you are asking if this means another in our future, but that is a question that I am not ready to ask (if you know what I mean) or answer. I am still thinking that a family of seven is HUGE! --far bigger than I ever expected to have.--


Stephers said...

Congrats!! How exciting!

amy said...

Congratulations! Boys are fun!

brenda said...

Very cool, I am excited for you other than the fact that I think boy names are so hard!

Elise said...


Emily said...

Congrats. I get to start shopping for little boy material. It is a win win!

Christy said...

I, for one, am excited whenever I find out someone is having a boy! So fun. I've got the same overlap problem, potentially with 3 of the 4 boys. Yikes! Let's just not think about that for another decade.