Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Husband tag...

1. Where did you meet your husband? Seminary, Jr. year of High School.

2. How long did you date before you got married? We dated for 18 months. (Dated 1 year, then engaged 6 months) I don’t work quickly.

3. How long have you been married? 8 years and almost 7 months

4. What does he do that surprises you? He doe not surprise me. (that sounded terrible, but it is true…very predictable in everything.)

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His Hands!!! (I also love his smile.)

6. What is his best quality? Very, very hard worker.

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Sweetheart

8. What is his favorite food? Steak (right now he likes it covered in bleu cheese)

9. What is his favorite sport? Cycling—does that count as a sport?

10. When and where did you first kiss? After two months—his parents basement. (back when they liked me)

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Shop—I know crazy, but he is my FAVORITE shopping buddy.

12. Do you have any children? 4

13. Does he have any hidden talents? He can clean! (and does so when left home alone—I LOVE It. )

14. How old is he? 31

16. What is his favorite music? 90’s (but that changes periodically)

17. What do you admire most about him? Again his work ethic—I know that he may not always make a ton of money, but he will never sit around waiting for things to just happen. I also admire the fact that he is immovable. He is very easy going, but if he believes something or has made a decision, good luck changing his mind (or his heart). (this is good—most of the time)

18. What is his favorite color? Blue

19. Will he read this? Yes, even though he was there when I filled it out.

20. Who do you tag? Hmmm…anyone?


Kris said...

Its fun getting to know him through your eyes.

Emily said...

Great answers. I am glad to see that some things do not change with time!