Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ten Years....

Ten years ago today (the 27th, or the day after thanksgiving) I was home for holiday break. I had been warned, but was not prepared for what was to happen.

I went to the library for a little finals preparation. (it is true, I did study once in a while, if there was nothing better to do.) On my way home, I got a craving for cinnamon bears---sugar, my drug of choice. Pulling into the parking lot, I noticed a van pull around behind me. No big deal, I hoped out of my car to head into Albertson's. I see cute guy in glasses running towards me, he looks familiare, oh wait, it is Chris Bremser from high school. I had heard that he was home from his mission. I shuttered at the memory (the kid broke my heart). I really liked him in high school, but he lost interest in me when I was not as aggressive as he was used to--plus there was another girl that came along.

A polite smile on my face, I say Hi. He stops asks a few polite are you? What have you been up to for over two years? then...the question "What are you doing tonight? Do you want to go out?" Oh crap! I have never been good about saying no. So instead "Sure." He runs back to his car and I wonder into Alberston's confused and shaking...shaking...I knew this was different. I blamed it on the fact that he was the only boy that ever rejected me. I was always able to get the guy, but he had been able to walk away.

I never did find my cinnamon bears, I wondered around the store in shock, and then went home to prepare for my big date. Who knew that it would all go so well...


michiganbliss said...

K, so totally remembering talking to you after this incident. Too funny. Can you believe how quickly time goes?

Happy Turkey Day.

Scanlon Family said...

You never told me that story! Goodness-I do remember engagement night though. That's a cute 'getting together' tale. Y'all still up for dinner after the holidays?