Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He is trying to teach me...or trying to break me!!!

I love this kid. Really I do, but...he is pushing me to the limits. I have never really experienced the terrible twos. Usually it does not hit until my kids hit three (I swear it was never this bad)., but this child is made for destruction (see those broad shoulders).

His thought process:
Everything is meant to be chucked across the room, down the stairs, or at your brother (the one that can't even try to catch)!
Find something to color on: wall, floor, furniture, anything but the paper Mom gave me.
Don't eat anything that Mom requests, wait until you are ignored and sneak into the pantry.
'NO' is the favorite word, and it is meant to be shouted with more attitude than Mother ever imagined.
When I don't shout NO, I make this terrible shrill sound that causes my Mother to shudder uncontrollably.
Pull my sister's hair if I feel she might be ignoring me (perhaps quietly preoccupied by anything else).
ALWAYS do the opposite of what Mom requests; get out of the car on the opposite side she opens for me, run upstairs if she says come here, scream when she asks for quiet, etc.

I REALLY LOVE this child, and I will learn:
He does better if I let him chose.
He will never obey if I command.
He has his own agenda, and I would do well to follow it.
Don't argue, or try to reason: he is TWO.
Hope he will outgrow this!

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