Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tagged by Kelli

I don't usually do these, but I have not posted in a while and I am sure every one wants to know about me...not! OK here I go...
List 5 fears, 5 joys, 5 obsessions/collections, 5 surprising facts about you. Tag 5 people.

Five Fears
1. losing one of my kids in any way
2. losing my husband (in any way)
3. I am with kelli on this one--natural disaster and not able to get to my kids
4. losing my teeth (weird ?)
5. financial ruin/poverty

Five joys
1. my husband
2. my kids
3. reading
4. poetry
5. true friends--I have been blessed with many

Five obsessions
1. Bargains (I love a bargain--but then you all know that because I love to brag about them)
2. Food storage (especially when I am pregnant)
3. Sugar (candy of any sort)
4. Honesty (I HATE phony or dishonest people--and the fact that they all THINK they are getting away with it)
5. 8:00 pm (My children WILL be in bed!!!)

Five surprising facts about me
1. I still write poetry, not good poetry, but it is my therapy.
2. I cry at all the wrong times, and never at the right ones.
3. I love museums--any type will do, but mostly art (the Met in New York, the Louvre in Paris, the San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art. I have seen them all and will see them again!)
4. I hate to be alone--I guess that this is not surprising, but it is true.
5. I also hate to be in a crowd or at big parties.

1. Tori 2. Elise 3. Megan 4. Amber 5. Natalie

Wow, some of those were hard to come up with.


Kris said...

I am excited to read your blog.
I miss you!! We need to get together, I would like to see the new one.

Tori said...

I was already tagged by Kelli so you will need to go to my blog to see my answers