Friday, October 10, 2008


i just want to complain for a moment as I sit on hold for the twelfth time. I hate insurance companies, and billing departments. I know they are only human, but how many mistakes can they make? I don't know how many times I have been told I am wrong. "I am sorry I don't know my own address. " "No, I don't think that is my child's birth date." "Yes, of course I wanted to make a payment on somebody else's account." UGHHHH!!! I hope all of you watch your medical bills, because chances are they are wrong--and not to your favor!!! How do you politely say, "You are an idiot!!!" sorry for the bad language, but seriously?


Kelli said...

bad langauge? What bad langauge?

Elise said...

Seriously! I was battling with my insurance company and Primary Children's this week! "Yes a rhogam shot is need in pregnancy when you're Rh-, and no the grandmother is not the policy holder for my daughter!" So annoying! And it happens ALL the time!

Natty bee Seely said...

i heard that 80 percent of the time medical bills are wrong. I definately keep my eyes peeled on those little buggers.