Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A house divided...

As we are discussing voting this week and watching the news our children have become very interested. The problem: Anna wants Obama (he has better hair), and Preston wants McCain (we don't know why). It has brought some pretty heated discussions into our home. Let's just hope that Obama has more to bring to the presidency than his great hair (which I just don't see, but...)


Elise said...

That's funny because Seery wanted Obama to win and Aidan wanted McCain to win. Kids are funny.

Scanlon Family said...

That's funny. My kids like Obama because his wife is pretty. Anyway . . . I do need your e-mail address, send me a private message through facebook for it. And about the first weekend in May 5K . . .I'm going to say maybe. My brother gets married on the 1st and I'm not sure if family stuff will carry over-but I'd like to so give me the info.

Tara Shirley said...

Hey! How's it going?! I'm glad you found me, now I can stalk you and Chris. HA! Hope all is well.

La Familia Mata said...

It cracks me up when I read about all of the kids and their political favorites! Malia isn't old enough to care but I'm sure by 2012 she will. Too funny!