Tuesday, October 28, 2008

30 Days = No Spending

30 Days!!! What was I thinking? $100 for milk and the essential fresh produce. The rest comes from my pantry and food storage. Anything else can wait or be forgotten. I got this great idea from a Readers Digest (kind of nerdy, but true). But now Anna is begging to take that extra dance class that is soooo fun! I am going through Target withdrawals. And I am wondering, "Do I have enough candy for Halloween."

We lived very tight while Chris finished school, especially during his masters program, but this is different. The kids are older and want things. I am use to a little freedom, and I have a car to get me to the store. (Something I did not have for a long time.) So, why are we doing this you ask? Has anyone felt the pinch of the hurting economy? Have you felt a little of the anxiety that I have felt for the future? I read an article that suggested cutting all spending will help me find the things I may be missing in my food storage. It will also help me again become aware of needs vs. wants. (Something I think I have forgotten in recent years.)

I have only been doing this for a week and I am finding so many things that I did not realize would come into question. ...the kid's book orders (I love new books each month--especially the $1 ones)... Cafe Rio (missing you)...a new bottle for Zac (lost one on vacation a couple of weeks ago, before we started this 'game', but I forgot to replace it until it was too late...a new spray bottle (mine broke)...make up (my powder is gone!)... Red box...Baby sitter (except for temple night)... None of these things are allowed...

We did find a fun free pumpkin walk for Saturday night with the kids. I have made an extra batch of bread this week for sandwiches on the run. I resisted taking the kids out for lunch. I have avoided Target at all costs (I love that store).

I am wondering what my friends (and other readers) have done to cut costs or plan for future hardships. This economy is scaring me, so I want ideas!!!


MEGAN said...

We have been living on our pantry supply for the last little while, (not by choice, but because I did not budget well for groceries this month) and it has not been fun. It has taught me what I really need to keep in stock for food storage, so I guess that is the up side. Good luck with it. I too have been going through Target withdrawals. :)

Kelli said...

i think you've lost your mind! i mean i understand the concept but i don't think i could do it! maybe i should try, we'd be so much better off. i would have to plan lots of things to keep me busy in the mean time!

Hannah said...

I found your blog when I was googling food storage.

That's great that you are going the whole month without buying food! That really is a great way to "test" your food storage!

Anyway, if you ever need any food storage tips or ideas, feel free to check out our blog!

Good luck!
Hannah @

Tori said...

I think you two are great with budgeting and money. You know what works for you and your family. Trust your instincts. You know where you stand and what you can afford. Remember it is just stuff and stuff usually turns into trash at some point. I am not talking about food obviously. I am talking about all those extra Target buys.

Kris said...

You are doing a great thing!! You will find out what is important in your lives. I need to do this badly. We do need to get together soon.

Emily said...

Wow Melissa -

Way to go. I don't think I could do it. Maybe we'll have to do this for a while and see how we fair. Your kids are so, so cute. I love your pictures. Aren't blogs great?